*These results are from the latest Rasmussen Poll.
Thompson: Thompson is unapologetic. He knows what he believes and knows how to aggressively fight for it. Republicans have been caught up in this compassionate conservative nonsense! Conservativism is compassion. Thompson is willing to take it to political enemies and run on principles. At the same time, this outsider shows a great political awareness. Rather than jump into a race where he would have to share the debates with 10 contenders he does interviews alone on the news networks. This is probably why his poll numbers are so high without officially getting into the race or running ads, but there is more to him. He has written essays rallying the conservative base in a number of online publications. Thompson seems like a man who might lead a movement. Is he Regan? No one is Regan. How sad is it that we have no conservative to point to in the last 25 years? We need to learn from Regan, but it will doom us to continue to live in the past. My only complaint with Thompson is that I want to know more about him.
Guiliani: I don’t care what his stance on abortion is! I am sick of hearing him defend himself. He believes what he believes. What the hell does it have to do with being President? He plans on appointed conservative judges to the Supreme Court. The President does not make the abortion law of the land. The Supreme Court stole that from congress. What I do know is that Rudy has shown to be a fiscal conservative and tough on crime. His record can back this up even as a former mayor of liberal New York City. On top of that, he will be aggressive in the war on terror. He was America’s Mayor on 9/11 and maybe he might become her President. Guiliani is articulate and would do well expressing himself in office. It has yet to be seen on whether he can motivate the conservative base, but his polling is strong against Democrat and Republicans alike.
Romney: Romney seemed to have a lock on the early conservative battle cry. The former governor of Massachusetts was very popular and continues to raise boatloads of money. He has the necessary private sector credentials as a successful CEO and is credited for his great work during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. He has been firm in his combating of crime and support charter schools, but I do think Thompson has stolen a lot of Romney’s thunder. Thompson lacks the inconsistent past. Romney has been accused of flip-flopping on abortion and gay rights. To make matters worse, the media continues to bring up his Mormon religion. I think Romney could be a powerful candidate, but he must exercise a few demons from his campaign.
McCain: I would love to think McCain is doing poorly because the base hates him almost as much as I do. Sometimes I feel he has done more to damage the Republican party than a Democrat ever could. Many have not forgiven him for a brutal campaign in 2000 against the then governor Bush. Straight Talk Express my ass! McCain is a Washington insider who maneuvers his positions on media pandering not conviction. He limited the freedom of speech with the (what should be obviously unconstitutional) McCain-Feingold Act. The Bill of Rights states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech…” How the heck then does McCain get to tell us, the people, when and how we pay for political ads? It was supposed to take the money out of politics. Yea that worked great… This is only one of many ways McCain has shown that he is a RINO and does not deserve the party’s nomination. However, the American public’s memory is short. McCain was still a top candidate for the Republican nomination because of his political experience, name recognition, and media savvy. I was never worried though, because I knew it would only be a matter of time in the primary campaign before he showed his true colors and commit campaign suicide. Thank you immigration bill! That being said, even McCain would be a better President than any leading Democrat contender because of his steadfast support of the war. Thank God his numbers are falling, because it was aggravating my gag reflex, the idea that I might vote for him.
On an aside note, I do not mean to assume Thompson has no chinks in his armor. He supported McCain-Feingold, and has made varying statements on abortion. Not a single candidate agrees with me on anything, but I think Thompson has some real potential. I want to learn more about him and see how he stacks up against his contenders.
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