Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Al Gore

Like most public figures, Al Gore has little problem telling us how to live our lives. After releasing his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth,” he has been seen everywhere. He lectured with PowerPoint slides on MTV, has been all over the media championing climate doom, and recently accepted an academy award. Don’t concern yourself with how circumstantial his “evidence” is. Ignore the lack of cause and effect. You need to change your “CO2” footprint on our environment. Change the car you drive, switch out your light bulbs, and raise your taxes on gasoline. Meanwhile, he and the elite ride in private jets and live in homes that use up 20 times the energy your house does. He and other hypocritical liberals use their money to buy environmental credits to offset their “apocalyptic” effect on the environment. Do these credits change their lifestyle? No. What Al Gore and others are really saying is that people with money can payoff their damage while we are the ones that have to change.

Al Gore please get off my television. The hypocrisy you're oozing is dripping out of my speakers.

Bill Hobbs at Ecotality Blog has uncovered the source of Al Gore's credits. Al Gore has been "offsetting" his "carbon footprint" through his own company. In otherwords, he is paying himself to offset his own carbon emissions. At best this is a dishonest attempt to cover up his hypocrisy. Read Bill's post to get the full scoop.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Jesus Found!

All spiritual questions were finally laid to rest this week. James Cameron has found the tomb of Christ. Now I know some of you are asking, “hey isn’t this nowhere near where most scholars believe he died?” My response is that scholars have been wrong before. I mean Cameron has a lot of evidence backing him up. First off, six of the ten burial caskets have the names Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Judah (son of Jesus), Mary Magdalene, and Matthew. Well actually “Mary Magdalene” is just a loose translation, and others experts are skeptical that the casket even has Jesus’ name. Look I am sure there is a logical explanation to all this. I mean we can date the tomb to within a century of when Jesus was alive!

Cameron goes so far as to assert that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child Judah with her. What is his proof? They were buried together. Works for me!

Seriously, this is so unlikely that fantasy is a better genre than documentary. This should have very little effect on anyone’s belief one way or the other. James Cameron has a right to assert whatever he wants, and skeptics should continue to hold his work accountable. To all the Christians that are worried about his message, we are all challenged daily with larger tests of our faith than this silly documentary.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Role Models

These public figures listed below are not perfect, but their influence on my life has been profound.

Tom Clancy - Tom Clancy was one of the first “Adult” authors that I read. Not only did he instill in me a love of reading, but his analysis and plots always seem to be 3 steps ahead of world events. Rainbow 6 remains my favorite book, and his novel Debt of Honor is eerily similar to 9/11.

Michael Crichton – Michael Crichton is a great author from Andromeda Strain to Jurassic Park, but his unanswered challenges to the global warming myth could be his greatest contribution.

Rush Limbaugh - The Godfather of the conservative movement and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Rush Limbaugh, still remains the leading conservative thinker after 2 decades of work.

Ronald Reagan – The defender of Liberty in the face of tyranny. Defeater of the Evil Empire. The man who showed us America's greatest days are still ahead of her. The conservative base still waits for the “next” Ronald Reagan. We await his return and look to the stars. The mother ship calls us home…


Hello and welcome to my blog.

My friends (if you could find any) would tell you that above all that I am a complex man. I am a proudly dorky fifth year senior mechanical engineering major whose hobbies include music, humor, and politics. (Anyone who successfully made it through that sentence I applaud you.) Music is a large part of my life. I am involved in several ensembles and was recently elected CEO of my university’s marching band. I am also a member of the Phi Mu Alpha Music Fraternity. I currently hold the office of Fraternal Education Officer of our chapter. Basically, my fraternal duties include the education of fraternity members, running the recruitment program, and to lose paperwork at every opportunity. I can't speak for the first two, but I promise the last objective I fulfill regularly.

Politics is a passion of mine. I am a staunch conservative on most issues: Limited government, aggressive national security, and fiscal restraint are central tenets of this movement. While I do subscribe to a conservative ideology, many of my closest friends hold different beliefs. This blog is a welcome place for rational debate. If you disagree or think I make a flawed argument tell me!

Why did I start this blog?
Miss America Version: I enjoy expressing myself and listening to other’s thoughts. When I explain my rationale to others, I am really learning who I am. I thrive on the energy of others, because passionate people bring out who I am.
Real Version: My roommate who writes for The Common Virtue was tired of listening to me and told me to go write this nonsense down.

Please understand that i try to express myself cogently and efficiently but correcting my spelling or punctuation might-be a wasted effort. I welcume anyone to try.